World Biggest Power Plant.

Biggest power plant of world.

Name of power plant :Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Plant .
Country: japan
Capacity of power plant: 7,965MW

About information

       Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (TEPCO) Kashiwazaki- Karia Plant in Japan is currently the word's largest nuclear power plant, with a net of  7,965MW.Kashiwazaki- Karia Plant has seven boiling water reactor (BWR) with a gross installed capacity of 8,212MW.

Biggest power plant of India.

      Name of power plant :Vindhyachal Thermal power Station.
      Location:  Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh (M.P.)
      Capacity of power plant:  4,760MW

About information:

 The Vindhyachal Thermal power Station in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, with an installed capacity of 4,760MW , is currently the biggest thermal power plant in India. It is a coal- based power plant owned and operated by NTPC. 

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